Model: ABS-80M
电 源:AC-220V±10%/50Hz
Power supply: AC-220V ± 10%/50Hz
Rated power: 80W
Frequency response:100-16KHZ
SNR: ≥ 90dB
Distortion: ≤ 0.2%
Output voltage / resistance: 100V, 70, 4-16.
Dimensions: 430x240*70mm (length * width * height)
☆ with front, power amplifier, radio, MP3 player, three in one;
☆ HI-FI音质立体声MPEG Audio Layer3音乐文件播放器;
☆ HI-FI quality stereo MPEG Audio Layer3 music player;
☆ FM收时机带自动搜台功能,和MP3均带断电记忆功能;
☆ FM time with automatic search function units, and MP3 with power-off memory function;
☆ 即插U盘、SD卡即播放,可以播放暂停、均衡等声音处理、上一曲、下一曲等选择;
☆ plug U disk, SD card is played, players can be suspended, balanced sound processing, a song, the next song selection;
☆ USB/SD卡,收音机信号之间自动切换,带数码管显示;
☆ USB/ SD card, automatic switching between radio signals, with digital display;
☆ 2路AUX线路输入,1路线路输出,2路MIC1、MIC2话筒输入,话筒MIC1带优先功能,MP3、每路话 筒及线路输入音量可调节控制,音乐高低音量独立可调; ;
☆ 2 Road 1 road AUX line input, line output, 2 MIC1, MIC2 input, MIC1 microphone with priority function, MP3, each microphone and line input volume can be adjusted and controlled, low volume can be adjusted independently music;;
☆ 具有短路、过热、过载限流和饱和失真等机器异常工作保护警告功能,故障消除时自动恢复;
It has short circuit, overload, overheating limit function flow and saturation distortion machine unusual job protection warning, automatic fault recovery to eliminate;
☆ 80W功率,70V、100V定压输出和4-16欧定阻输出,1路辅助输出,豪华铝合金拉丝面板。
☆ 80W power, 70V, 100V constant pressure output and 4-16 Europe Dingzu output, 1 auxiliary output, luxury aluminum alloy panel drawing.
使有范围:需要用到合并式定压功放(功率放大器)的场合,如学校课室、商铺、专卖店、饭店等。 可根据客户要求订做及提供OEM贴牌产品
The range: the need to use the combined pressure PA (power amplifier) occasions, such as school classrooms, shops, stores, restaurants etc.. Provide OEM OEM products can be customized according to customer requirements and